To change the email address for an account, navigate to Manage Accounts in the System Admin Panel. Find the account by entering the email address and click Change E-mail.  

In the appeared window, you can change the email address and click Save. Note that the email address can only be changed to an email address with a domain that is registered in the system and is associated with your license. In case your organisation use the login of  eLabJournal and not Single Sign-On (SAML/AD/LDAP), we recommend to also update the user name to avoid confusion for end-users with their login.

Important: since the email domain and the organisation are linked, we recommend to also update the organisation when changing the domain in the email address of a user. This ensures that users are correctly mapped within an organisation and prevents issues when organisation-wide policies or settings should be enforced. Select the option move user to another organisation to select the organisation to which a user should be moved.