To search for a protocol in the public, group-shared, or personal protocol list, open the corresponding tab under the Protocols tab, enter a search term into the search bar, and click the Search button. When conducting a protocol search, the contents of the following fields are queried:

  • Protocol name – contents included in the protocol name
  • Protocol category – contents included in the protocol category
  • Protocol label - contents included in the protocol label
  • Protocol Author – the protocol's author
  • Protocol step name - contents included in the protocol step name
  • Protocol step contents  – words included in the content of a protocols step

Note: the contents of files attached to a procedure are currently not included in the search.

Additionally, the following operators can be applied to the search term in order to further customize the query. Note: protocol searches are case-insensitive.

  • bacteria yeast - finds any contents that include the words bacteria and yeast
  • “bacteria  yeast” – finds any contents that include the exact phrase bacteria yeast
  • bac* -   finds any contents that include a word starting with "bac"
  • *teria -  finds any contents that include a word ending with "teria"
  • bacteria | plant – finds any contents that include either the word bacteria OR the word plant
  • bacteria -Plant – finds any contents that include the word bacteria but do not contain the word plant
  • “bacteria Plant”~10 – finds any contents that include the word bacteria and plant in the proximity of 10 words
  • (bacteria | plant) yfp - finds any contents that include the word bacteria OR plant as well as the word ypf
  • "bacteria plant yeast fungus algae"/3 - finds any contents that include at least 3 of the following words: bacteria plant yeast fungus algae